Thursday, April 9, 2015

[台北到處吃喝之鷹流拉麵-鹽味沾麵] [Food in TP-salty tsukemen]

東區(忠孝復興/忠孝敦化站)出現好多拉麵店 會來鷹流是因為我很喜歡他另一間分店-蘭丸(小巨蛋站~只有5個位置的迷你店)
There is a lot of ramen around Zhongxiao Fuxing station and Zhongxiao DunHua station. I came to this one-鷹流 because of his branch-蘭丸. (at Taipei Arena station)

還提供髮圈ㄟ! 真是貼心!! They provide hair bands!! How sweet!!!
其實這家店也不大 也不到20個位置 There are less than 20 seat. 

雖然很想喝湯 但更想吃好久沒吃的沾麵 所以最後點了這個鹽味沾麵正常尺寸(沒錯沾麵一開始就要想好麵的份量 不能之後加麵 因為還會附一碗飯 怕浪費所以就不加大了)
I really love soap but I want to eat tsukemen this time. I order a salty tsukemen with normal size. (You can choose smaller or large size but you have to said it before they serve. Because the meal includes a bowl of rice and I worry can't finish, I choose the normal size.)

沾麵的湯頭非常濃郁且充滿油脂 表面的油脂讓底下的沾醬可以一直保持很熱的狀態(大概吃半盒都還是很燙 要小心燙口阿~) 所以吃起來不會太油膩
The dip soup is very rich and oil. The dip soup can keep the temperature because of the surface of the oil. (Be careful, It's still very hot after eating half finished.) Not greasy!!!
濃郁的沾醬總是不小心沾太多 直呼好鹹 下一口記得沾少一點 但接下來又會不小心被沾醬的香味吸引沾太多XD
Don't stick too much the dip soup or you'll feel too salty.
麵條很有Q度 肉也切的很大塊~
Chewy noodle and thick meat!! I love them!
至於正常尺寸的麵~~ 實力驚人的Joanna覺得稍嫌不足! (是啦!我是女孩兒界的大胃王^///^)
I believe I can finish the large size. haha~

食盒的設計很棒 下面有很多孔 所以麵條沾附的水不會把麵條泡爛 自然的下流~
 It's a well-designed box with a lot of hole. The noodle won't soak in water.

泡飯~其實只有小小一碗(以為是很大碗 不然就挑戰加大份量的麵了O_Q)  
Tyazuke (soak cooked rice in soup)! It's a small bowl. I thought it's a big bowl so I didn't choose the large size noodle. I should! I should!!
飯是偏軟的那種 旁邊正方形小碟裡裝的是大蒜末 另一個好像是蝦米 旁邊那一罐我稱他為"茶湯" 但好像應該是清淡的高湯
The rice is very soft. There are minced garlic, shrimps dried and soup stock.
先吃一口飯 再加點茶湯 再加點大蒜等配料 最後再加一點沾醬 每口味道都不一樣 好好吃喔!!
Eat pure rice! with soup stock! with minced garlic and shrimps dried! with dip soup! Each flavor is not the same!! all are amazing!!

整餐下來 Joanna輕鬆自在的解決 坐在隔壁的男生吃的是紅色盒子(我的是黑盒)直呼份量太大吃不完吃得很痛苦
吃飽要走了 隔壁換了一組人馬 餐點送上來也是紅色的盒子 男生立刻驚呼叫住服務生"這是小份的!?" 得到確定的答案時再度驚呼"也太大份了吧!!"
我低頭看了看只差沒把沾醬喝完的空空餐盤 默默的起身 沒勇氣問之前那個男生吃的"紅色盒子"到底是大份還是小份
離開~~ 摸摸肚子... 去吃碗東區粉圓吧!!!!! (羞!)
I love whole meal and finish everything so easy. There is a man who sits next to me feels it's too much. His box is red and mine is black. Mine is normal size and I don't know how about his.
When I finish everything and want to leave, there is another guests coming and order the same noodle with red box. He is so surprised at size is too large! I saw my empty plate and don't have the courage to ask what is the red box size.
Um~! I think I need to eat some sweets!! XD

Address:臺北市忠孝東路4段216巷27弄14號 (Zhongxiao DunHua station)

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