小茅屋 (Xiao Mao Wu)
這家的蛋炒飯榮等網路10大全台蛋炒飯票選第三名 特色是:蛋和肉絲用料大方,清爽不油膩(來自網路)
Fried rice with egg in this restaurant was awarded Taiwan top 10 egg fried rice No3. The special part is pork, eggs and the use of materials and generous, fresh and not greasy. (from website)
小茅屋位在麗水街上(捷運東門站6號出口) 很不起眼小小一間 但開業很多年了
This restaurant is a very humble restaurant in Lishui street. ( Dongment station exit6) and business for many years.
牆上附上菜單 一目了然
室內大約5張桌子 很像鄉下的客廳 媽媽把雜物堆到一角 其他地方放上幾張桌子 大家就在這邊吃飯 (沒拍照片)
It's menu on the wall!
There have around 5 tables. It's like a living room in the country. Mom put the stuff into a corner and everyone on the side of the table for meal. (No Pic) It's not a big place so it quite easy to be full.
雖然我不愛蛋炒飯 但既然人家蛋炒飯得了第三名 說甚麼都應該點來嚐嚐
Although I'm not the fan of fried rice with egg, I still want to try because of the third place.
蛋炒飯有火腿蛋炒飯跟肉絲蛋炒飯兩種(NT$80) 我比較愛肉絲 所以 來的肉絲蛋炒飯吧!!
飯算是有一點點硬的 咬起來有嚼勁 粒粒分明 但吃起來沒有米心
肉絲一定是瘦肉 最怕沒處理好變老咬到嘴巴酸 這邊火侯掌握得不錯 雖然都是瘦肉 可是咬下去不柴 有瘦肉的咬勁但不至於太硬
There is two type of fried rice with egg- with ham or with shredded meat.(NT$80) I love shredded meat more so give me one of that! The rice tastes a little bit chewy. shredded meat made by lean meat so usually it's very easy to be chewy and it's not here.
吃起來是還好不算油 但盤子上還是看得到油喔!(會太嚴格嘛!?)
以一個不喜歡蛋炒飯的人而言 這盤算是不錯了!只是我個人不愛蛋炒飯也不喜歡太硬的米飯 所以... 我吃不出第三名的原因 ^^b
Taste was okay is not oil but you still can saw the oil on the plate. (Too Strict!? XD )
In the case of a person who doesn't like fried rice with egg, this is a good one.
I don't like fried rice with egg and chewy rice so I can't tell why it can be No3. ^^b
很多網友也很推薦他們家的紅油炒手/酸辣炒手(NT$60) 所以也點了一份 (如果不要辣可以跟老闆說喔!)
我個人非常喜歡這一道 炒手是自己包的 皮很薄肉很扎實 顆顆飽滿
醬料非常好吃 辣度剛剛好 稍稍覺得辣但又不至於辣到吃不下 (一般我吃小辣)
再訪時點了不辣的酸辣炒手 微微的酸度非常剛好 很開胃又不會酸到想皺眉頭
A lot of people also recommend the Meat dumpling with Chili oil/ Meat dumpling with sour and chili oil.(NT$60) I have to try it. (If you don't like chili, you can tell and without it.)
I personally really really love this one. They made the meat dumpling by themselves. Thin skin and generous filling. The sauce is amazing. A little bit hot but won't be too much. (I generally eat little hot.)
When I came again, I order the Meat dumpling in sour and chili oil without chili. Slightly acidic stimulates the appetite. Very delicious!!!
Greatly recommendation!!!
豬耳朵(NT$25)一看就好吃 所以也忍不住點了他
蒜頭份量十足 醬汁非常夠味 有一點煙燻的味道 不會太鹹 好好吃喔!!
There is a lot different side dish in front of the kithcen that you can choose.
Crispy pig ear!!(NT$25) Looks delicious indeed. Have to order it! There is a lot of garlic, good sauce, not salty and a little bit smoked flavor. So good!
Also greatly recommendation!!!
雖然說只有自己一個人 但想說可以打包 也就肆無忌憚的點
一人點了.... 噹噹! 一桌菜!!!
I know I can't finish all of them but I also know I can wrap them up so I order lots of foods. So good!! Tasty!!!
小茅屋 (Xiao Mao Wu)
Address:台北市大安區麗水街5-6號 (Dongment station exit6)
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